

okeyh~....TAG ni int kena dari minah ni, si anazara yg akn fly ke india nnti....cepuk mau?...haha...jOm, kite mkn steamboat lgi...arghh...sgt rindu steamboat...=)

1. 1st insert this badge or the pic above to inform u have been awarded


(wOkey...i already put it...)

2. Make sure u take the pic n said it is from Iznie.
~heh, nk promote si iznie nie?...ooo, okeyh..masih d thp okeyh...suppOrt each other...eceh =)

3. You should tell 10 facts or hobbies about yourself.

1, fact: seOrng yg sgt egO ...~ikut kepla sndri...rasa btul, btul la..tidak sekali menidakkan =)
2, fact: neng yatimah...iaitu seOrang insan yg kuat mengalir air mate =)...ia, sgt sgt sgt mudah =
3, hobi: sgt suka skOdeng blOg org...oh, really?..haha...
4, hobi: seOrg yg sgt suka mengumpul resit bayaran =)
5, fact: pembenci nOvel + cite jiwang cOz ia nya begitu tOuching!...perlukah ???
6. fact: seOrg sahabat yg menghargai sahabat nye okeyh =)
7. hobi: seorang yg sukakan outdOor n aktiviti riadah =)
8. hobi: suka tukr saluran TV (hehe, menyakitkan ati org laen yg menOnton)...hahahahahha~
9. fact: seorg yg messy!!..haha....
10. fact: erk, plus blur okeyh =)..haha~

(hOnest giler seyh =)....kate fact...)

4. You should choose 5 other bloggers (easier the ones who follow you) and tell their names in your blog
TAg org?...oh tidak perlu...cOz penh wt sOalan cmni...rase nye, cm ulang bnda sama =)..makanya, xperlu tag org laen...cuba bagi challenging punya tag ckit =)...hehe...

5. Dont forget to go to their blog and tell them they have been tagged !!!
nO no .....skOdeng cukup =)..haha =)

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